Tuesday, October 8, 2013

DSLR Group Assignments

Please watch your group's assignment, then leave the lessons you have learned from filming and reviewing the footage, in the comments section.






  1. D Group uses focus really well on the racking focus shot. They also white balance really well.

  2. It's easy to see the limitations of the DSLRs in terms of ISO grain and fine focusing in certain shots. However, all the groups crushed the depth of field effectively.

  3. Group D did a great job at controlling the focus. This is most evident during the focus racks, and when Steve is walking towards the camera.

    The handheld work in Group B's video was really great. It was steady, and kept up with the actor.

  4. DSLRs are difficult to control the focus of a subject moving towards and away from the camera. Also, try not to set your ISO setting above 400 because otherwise there will be too much grain in the film.

  5. It's easy to see how delicate it can be to use ISO - there's certainly a point when it becomes too much. Also, the ability that these cameras provide to totally crush depth of field was very helpful, and working with the prime lenses for the close-ups really showed how precise the images are that they capture.

  6. You can easily see the limitations with the DSLR cameras but you also can see how easily everything can be adjusted with these cameras in terms of iso, apeture, and shutter speed. Group B used all of these effectively in terms of how much light to let into certain shots.

  7. You can tell with the tracking shots how shaky the DSLR cameras can be but you can also tell how clear they can keep shots and how they are effective when needing to move around a lot in certain areas as all the groups did.

  8. It's difficult to find the correct balance for ISO and to keep things in focus. The lens you choose will also greatly affect your framing.

  9. I just really love how DSLR can rack focus clearly and distinctively. I love the clarity of DSLR and the size. And the many different wide and length lenses that can be used.
