Thursday, January 16, 2014

10 things about Sheena...TA

1.  I have an obsession with David Bowie

2.  My favorite food is pizza.  I could eat it everyday.

3.  I waste time playing PC games like The Sims.

4.  I can't pick a favorite movie but I really love Stanley Kubrick and David Lynch.

5.  My favorite documentary is End of The Century, the story of the Ramones.

6.  I am fascinated by the paranormal and the occult.

7.  My favorite artist is M.C. Escher.  

8.  If I could go back to any time period it would be the late 1970s and be a rock star.

9.  I think the greatest tv series ever was Breaking Bad.

10.  The best teacher ever is Dr. Raimist.


  1. So The Ramones were right, Sheena is a punk rocker. Oh Yeah.

  2. I'm starting to see a pattern here of Breaking Bad obsession...
