Thursday, January 22, 2015

Documentary Storytelling Portrait - Assignment Examples

Reminder: RESERVE YOUR EQ at least 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE! 

Your email should include the following:
TCF 312
Your Name
Pickup Date:
Return Date:
Detailed list of EQ desired (BE SPECIFIC!), for example: SONY EX3, Gitzo or new Manfrotto tripod, battery, charger, white card, shotgun mic (or onboard camera mic --- pay attention at least one camera is missing the onboard shotgun mic), fishpole, Sennheiser headphones

Example VideosWe will watch some of these examples in class but I encourage you to watch as many as you're able. Note: due to snow day, we won't have time to watch in class. 

When you watch the examples, consider WHAT is the story or stories being told (what do you think is the filmmaker's message, or what do you take from his/her piece?), and HOW is the story told visually. What are the levels of filmmaking - technical skill, aesthetics/style, color, camera work, etc... being deployed to work in service of the media message? Think CONTEXT, CONTENT & FORM.

Here are some (hopefully) inspiring examples:
Brian B+ Cross "KEEPINTOKYO" and "TEEBS" - "of all the things that can happen" and "the skies uptown"

Examples from past 312 students:

Lynita Motes Art from Jana Patton on Vimeo.

TCF 312 Portrait of a Place from Henry Busby on Vimeo.

The 15th Lake from Xavier Burgin on Vimeo.

Examples from projects on Vimeo:

 Harlem Elvis from John X. Carey on Vimeo.

Kickflip from I Am Los Angeles on Vimeo.

Look Up at the Stars, Portugal! from Matty Brown on Vimeo.

Shelter from the Storm from John X. Carey on Vimeo.

The Guardian from Carly Palmour on Vimeo.

D-Nice Presents: Experiencing The Dream from D-Nice on Vimeo.

2012 True School Park Jam Series Trailer from Noisemaker Media on Vimeo.

Please also see what other TCF students have done before you. Visit the right sidebar and look for "Portrait of a Place" in the blog post title.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Welcome to the Spring 2015 Course Blog!

10 THINGS I LIKE TO WATCH  - Dr. Raimist

Be warned that my test is very eclectic. I love all different genres, eras of film, and I'm a sucker for anything with the right leading man, and of course it's all about moving cinematography!

The beautiful film shot by made by one of my beloved directors, Ava DuVernay, and was shot by one of my favorite cinematographers Bradford Young, SELMA!

The title song just won original song from a motion picture at the Golden Globes!

Be one of the first 75 students with ACT cards and see it for free on MLK day at The Cobb. RSVP HERE!

And here are my other faves:

10.) The film that I watch and re-watch over and over again, is SAY ANYTHING.

(The music in the film is not as cheesy as in this trailer, I promise! It opens with "Taste the Pain" from The Red Hot Chili Peppers and who doesn't love them?!)

The best writing of romantic and most funny and incredible one-liners ever.


The cinematography is breathtaking in the darkest of creepy ways. The scenes lit with Brad Pitt and high powered flashlights - be still, my heart.

8.) Just watched NAS: Time is Illmatic

Fun fact: I know every word to every song on "Illmatic" and I can rap it all, but I won't do it publicly... so don't ask! ;)

7.) Favorite music video from my generation: "DROP" by The Pharcyde

Yes, Spike Jonze, yes! Can you figure out how they shot this?

& Here are some of the things I'm currently watching on TV and streaming devices:


I like more docu-reality programming, and I would run away to film with my love, Jeremy Wade, in a heartbeat.

5.) COMMUNITY (via Hulu Plus)

I started with Season one two weeks ago, and now Troy just left and things are not the same and I don't know how I can go on.


Despite the recent article that said I should hate Mindy, I love her. I am (part) Mindy, I am.


I know that I'm 10 years late, but it took me a decade to deal with ER ending, so over the last break I watched a decade's worth of seasons... yes, that was many hours of McDreamy and McSteamy


I know he is bad, but I love Damon Salvatorre. And, I also love the lighting - show low-key and shadowy and rich and luscious to watch.


I am not the most conventional person. I don't have the most conventional lifestyle. I raise my own children to be free. I love love and folks who make family out of love... And, of course, I love Sherri Saum.  Who doesn't?

And I love scenes with beautiful string lights, just out of focus in the background.

& During the TCF In LA tour of Warner Brothers I saw her, screamed hi, and she smiled and waved at me... yes, me, and just me!