Thursday, September 17, 2015

You Should Be Reading...

No Film School

The Black and Blue

Vincent LaForet's blog:

Phillip Bloom's blog:

Shane Hurlburt's site/blog:

The Zacuto Blog (Home of the great camera shoot-outs!)

There are so many more great sites, so comment with the ones you are reading!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Scene Assignment - Harrison Lane, Carly Jones, Brooke Wilson, Hannah Perkins, Mark Coffman

Scene Assingment 2 TCF 312 from Brooke Wilson on Vimeo.

Director: Carly Jones
Director of photography: Brooke Wilson
Boom Operator: Hannah Perkins
Actors: Harrison Lane and Mark Coffman

Scene Assignment TCF 312 from Brooke Wilson on Vimeo.

Director: Hannah Perkins
Director of Photography: Harrison Lane
Boom Operator: Mark Coffman
Actors: Brooke Wilson and Carly Jones

Jared Fuhrman, Will Wendell, Amber Lane, Stephen Thomley, Dillon Owen - 2 Scene Exercise

Scene 1:

312 around scene 1 from UA, Telecommunication and Film on Vimeo.

Scene 2:

312 around scene 2 from UA, Telecommunication and Film on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Special Guest this Thursday: Shane Fair

If the weather will cooperate, we will have TCF alum Shane Fair and his DJI Phantom 2 drone in class. Shane will talk about filming with a drone and we'll film outside of Reese Phifer Hall.

Take a peek at his reel:

Shane Fair Drone Demo Reel from Shane Fair on Vimeo.

Here is more about the drone Shane will demo for us:

The newest model that is out, is the DJI Phantom 3:

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Tutorial: Using Premiere to Export Full Res and Compressed Files for Vimeo

For your individual video projects, like the Documentary Storytelling assignment, you will embed a compressed video (using ideal compression settings as suggested by Vimeo) and post to your individual blog.

For the group projects we film in class, you will embed a compressed file and post on this (class) blog. As a group you need to "edit" your group exercises (read: make an assembly edit or string out of shots), and post to this course blog.

Please type the title of exercise in blog post title form, and type of all group member names in body of post. Share any important notes such as type of camera, camera log information, etc.

+ + +

Here are the steps you will need to follow to export:

1. Set up your project file in Adobe Premiere

Probably 1080 24P (but this depends on the camera and your setting filmed with)

2. Select Media Browser tab, select clips and File > Import > Folder

3. Edit your clips in sequence. Add desired effects and required titles (when requested)

4. When your video is finished, Export

5. To export FULL RESOLUTION Quicktime File:

File > Export  Media > Using Quicktime
Make sure "Same as Sequence Settings" (as long as your sequence is set properly)

This export will export HIGH RESOLUTION if you are exporting "same as sequence settings".

By cntrl clicking (or right mouse clicking) you can GET INFO (Cmd I) and determine file size. This file is NOT optimized for upload with Vimeo.

6. To export a COMPRESSED (or smaller file) Quicktime File:

Follow the settings noted here (shown as screenshots below)

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Reminder: RESERVE YOUR EQ at least 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE! 

Your email should include the following:
TCF 312
Your Name
Pickup Date:
Return Date:
Detailed list of EQ desired (BE SPECIFIC!), for example: SONY EX3, Gitzo or new Manfrotto tripod, battery, charger, white card, shotgun mic (or onboard camera mic --- pay attention at least one camera is missing the onboard shotgun mic), fishpole, Sennheiser headphones

Example VideosWe will watch some of these examples in class but I encourage you to watch as many as you're able. Note: due to snow day, we won't have time to watch in class. 

When you watch the examples, consider WHAT is the story or stories being told (what do you think is the filmmaker's message, or what do you take from his/her piece?), and HOW is the story told visually. What are the levels of filmmaking - technical skill, aesthetics/style, color, camera work, etc... being deployed to work in service of the media message? Think CONTEXT, CONTENT & FORM.

Here are some (hopefully) inspiring examples:
Brian B+ Cross "KEEPINTOKYO" and "TEEBS" - "of all the things that can happen" and "the skies uptown"

Examples from past 312 students:

Lynita Motes Art from Jana Patton on Vimeo.

TCF 312 Portrait of a Place from Henry Busby on Vimeo.

The 15th Lake from Xavier Burgin on Vimeo.

Examples from projects on Vimeo:

 Harlem Elvis from John X. Carey on Vimeo.

Kickflip from I Am Los Angeles on Vimeo.

Look Up at the Stars, Portugal! from Matty Brown on Vimeo.

Shelter from the Storm from John X. Carey on Vimeo.

The Guardian from Carly Palmour on Vimeo.

D-Nice Presents: Experiencing The Dream from D-Nice on Vimeo.

2012 True School Park Jam Series Trailer from Noisemaker Media on Vimeo.

Please also see what other TCF students have done before you. Visit the right sidebar and look for "Portrait of a Place" in the blog post title.